FCF Donates to Canadian Red Cross Flood Relief
The record-breaking water levels in New Brunswick this spring resulted in devastating flooding across the province, severely impacting Fredericton and many other communities along the St. John River. Hundreds of people have suffered irreparable damage to their properties, have been left without access to water and electricity, or forced to evacuate their homes entirely.
The Canadian Red Cross has been actively involved in emergency relief efforts during the height of the New Brunswick flooding and throughout the weeks following. Volunteers from across the country have gathered, working tirelessly to provide temporary lodging, food and clean water, flood kits, and financial assistance to those individuals and families affected. Since the flooding began, over 2000 people have registered with the Red Cross for assistance and over 500 clean-up kits have been distributed.
The Fredericton Community Foundation is honoured to provide the Canadian Red Cross with a grant of $18, 200 through the Rosemary's Legacy Fund. This fund was established specifically to be applied towards the charitable purposes of the Foundation. The Foundation has chosen to designate these funds toward emergent causes in the Fredericton area.
The Fredericton Community Foundation's Executive Director, Kate Rogers, accompanied by Board member, Traci Simmons, had the opportunity to meet with the Canadian Red Cross Provincial Manager of Philanthropy, Gillian Gresh, to learn more about the organization's dedicated efforts during the disaster. They were able to hear firsthand about the details of the Red Cross' emergency flood response, including the establishment of temporary shelters, the distribution of flood kits, and the contributions of many selfless volunteers. Gresh was presented with a cheque of $18, 200 that will help the Red Cross to continue their impactful work within the province's recovering communities.
It is incredibly important to take immediate action after a flood in order to protect your health, restore property, and prevent further damage. If you or someone you know are still being affected by the floodwaters, we recommend that you register with the Canadian Red Cross by calling 1-800-863-6582.
If you are interested in contributing to NB flood relief efforts and long term recovery, please donate to the New Brunswick Floods Appeal online at: https://donate.redcross.ca/page/23918/donate/1?locale=en-CA&_ga=2.4750259.1611417503.1530024119-2018793358.1530024119