2020-21 Impact Grant Recipients

Jobs Unlimited

Grant Total: $29,600

Creating indoor and outdoor spaces for individuals with intellectual disabilities at Jobs Unlimited. This project provided a much-needed safe outdoor space for our clients, including an accessible swing, musical instrument features and a water wall. The Impact Grant also provided funding for an indoor zen room, with features such as a hammock, aromatherapy, and sound machines, all to support relaxation and stimulation.

2019-20 Impact Grant Recipients

Women in Transition House

Grant Total: $10,000

Providing on-site training and software through the Canadian database management system called Women in Safe Housing or WISH, to aid women and children in Fredericton experiencing family violence. Access to this software allowed staff to support clients more effectively and preform multiple tasks with ease. This system facilitated opportunities for growth and development for clients, and provided a more consistent case management process, more effective business operations, research opportunities, and administration tasks.

Canadian National Institute for the Blind New Brunswick

Grant Total: $20,000

Supporting individuals experiencing sight loss at the earliest stage of their vision loss journey. “Seeing the Possibilities” enabled participants to gain relevant information, peer support, and try out new simple adaptive skills or equipment that related to daily living skills. This project provided solutions and guidance to assist in overcoming the difficulties experienced through sight loss while simultaneously providing a peer supportive environment.

2018-19 Impact Grant Recipients

Family Enrichment and Counselling Service

Grant Total: $15,000

Linking health care service providers to create a network that offers affordable and timely access the health care. Using the funding, Family Enrichment and Counselling Services organized a conference with various mental health agencies and advocates across Fredericton. The project worked towards filling the gaps between various agencies so that the right services can be accessible by everyone.

Partners for Youth

Grant Total: $10,000

Bringing awareness of relationship violence and domestic violence to First Nations youth. “Making Waves” focused on teaching topics surrounding consent, diversity and violence in intimate relationships. With the help of the Impact Grant, Partners for Youth were able to create smaller focus groups and tailor the subjects to their communities and cultures. The conference hosted approximately 40 youth from St. Mary’s and Kingsclear First Nations and an additional conference was held for 20 youth in Tobique First Nations, with follow-up visits to their schools to offer support.