Emergency Community Support Fund 
Grant Recipients

The Emergency Community Support Fund
Funded by 


The Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) is a $350 million emergency funding program from the Government of Canada. The Fredericton Community Foundation Proudly participated in this national initiative in collaboration with Community Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Red Cross and United Way. Over 10 weeks, we received 56 applications from 46 different charities requesting $1,227,385.55. We are proud to have granted $363,720 to 19 projects throughout the greater Fredericton region from McAdam to Chipman to Doaktown! Check out all of the grant recipients and their projects!

Autism Connections

With so many events and in-person programs being canceled, Austism Connections needed fast, reliable technology, so that their members can stay updated on their resources, while also making meaningful connections with their loved ones. We supported the purchase of updated technology to ensure that Autism Connections could still provide their much needed advice, resources and services to families and individuals in need during the pandemic.

Amount Received: $1,200


Adult Literacy

We awarded them $2,200 to help increase their capacity to do online and social distancing tutoring with their leaners. Since #COVID19 limited the work their volunteers can do, they have taken on more in the office to ensure their learners are still getting the support they need

Amount Received: $2,200.00

Jobs Unlimited        

During #COVID19 many of the incredible service participants from Jobs Unlimited were stuck at home, unable to go to work. The wonderful team at Jobs Unlimited started work right away to ensure that each of their service participants was well looked after during quarantine. Thanks to Employment and Social Development Canada, we helped Jobs Unlimited provide at home activity kits to 120 individuals! This organization never ceases to amaze us with their kind hearts and innovative solutions!

Amount Received: $10,000.00

AIDS New Brunswick        

In partnership with Employment and Social Development Canada we were able to provide $62,623 to help AIDS NB meet people where they are to get harm reduction supplies, health, hygiene and safety items, a beverage or just have a chat!

Amount Received: $62,623.00

Portage Atlantic     

We awarded $10,000 to Portage Atlantic from #ECSFund so that they could continue to welcome youth into their rehabilitation centre throughout #COVID19. Thanks to Employment and Social Development Canada and the #ECSFund, Portage Atlantic was able to continue helping youth through their addictions and keep everyone safe by supporting a separate isolation facility for new participants


Amount Received: $10,000.00

Greener Village       

The folks at Greener Village are always hard at work increasing their capacity whether it's through their food hampers, their garden or their boutique! #COVID19 did not stop them from ensuring they could help anyone who came their way! Greener Village received $41,777 from the #ECSFund to expand their building in order to accommodate new physical distancing guidelines and ensure that they can continue to help those who need it the most!

Amount Received: $41,777.00

Sexual Violence NB

Through this project, SVNB will explore innovative methods to deliver sexual violence prevention and intervention education and training to youth, frontline workers, and others impacted by sexual violence in light of new social distancing measures.

Amount Received: $14,000.00

Sexual Violence NB

Our next #ECSFund grant recipient is Sexual Violence New Brunswick! #COVID19 caused more demand on their counselling programs and had them re-working their spaces to ensure they could maintain physical distancing. Thanks to Employment and Social Development Canada, we were able to grant them $7,400 to increase their counselling capacity and create a larger space for counselling sessions!

Amount Received: $7,400.00

Village of Doaktown         

This grant supported a program responding to food security and social isolation during covid-19 pandemic for low-income and isolated seniors living in Doaktown and surrounding areas. Thanks to this ECSF grant, 45 seniors will receive 2 prepared meals a week from a friendly volunteer until March 2021.

Amount Received: $48,165.00

Theatre New Brunswick               

With so many restrictions on social distancing and the majority of events happening online, Theatre New Brunswick was experiencing an increase demand on their technology which did not have the functionality they needed to provide their incredible programs to vulnerable youth throughout Fredericton. This grant enabled TNB to purchase new computers to continue doing incredible work and expand on their program offerings through COVID-19.

Amount Received: $4,500.00

Pine Grove Foundation                 

This grant with help Pine Grove hire a facilitator who will make the appointments for each visit, organize the physical arrangements, monitor the visit and keep a record of each encounter so that their residents can see their loved ones again! We are proud to create this opportunity to connect loved ones to a populations largely impacted by COVID-19.

Amount Received: $28,717.00


Ability New Brunswick                 

Ability NB is responding to urgent needs of people with a mobility disability in the greater Fredericton region during the COVID-19 pandemic to help people avoid living in unsafe conditions and help our community be healthy. Many are without typical supports such as family, neighbours, friends, or a personal support worker to help with personal hygiene, meal prep, transferring from sitting to standing or accessing the outdoors. Their key activities include one-on-one wellness checks via in-person meetings, phone and video calls to identify needs of service participants. They secured equipment and assistive devices not funded by government or private insurance to ensure the continuity of safe and effective services e.g. prevent falls and injuries, enable independence.

Amount Received: $25,000.00

Laubach Literacy   

We awarded this grant to Laubach Literacy to reconnect with tutors, learners and referral agencies to identify services from their regional literacy councils, train tutors in the use of new technology offerings that will allow them to continue their local one-to-one tutoring program.

Amount Received: $4,650.00

Grand Lake Wellness Centre      

We granted $28,073 to the Grand Lake Wellness Network to support monthly meal kits or fresh produce bags to seniors, families and people experiencing financial pressures due to #COVID19 in Minto, Cambridge Narrows, and Chipman. Each month, over 200 bags were provided at either no cost or a reduced price! They are also ensuring that each person receives food appropriate to their age, culture, situation, and preferences.

Amount Received: $28,073.00



We awarded $30,000 to East and Central African Association for Indigenous Rights (ECAAIR) to hire an Outreach Coordinator and 2 Mental Health Counsellors to help their service participants and families through #COVID19. They are helping their families through recurring traumas brought on by the global pandemic, ensuring their participants have access to the educational resources they need to stay safe, and helping them access basic needs. 

Amount Received: $30,000.00

Lakeland Resource Centre           

This grant will enable the Lakeland Resource Centre to provide weekly home cooked meals to those in need, make clothing and personal care items regularly available through the Lakeland Shoppe without costs, and to provide guidance, counselling and budgeting to those in experiencing financial hardships or emotional stress due to COVID-19.

Amount Received: $17,485.00

Jobs Unlimited        

We awarded a second grant from the #ECSFund of $13,575 to the folks Jobs Unlimited! Many of their service participants have extra time on their hands due to a lack of work and activity cancellations during #COVID19. Jobs Unlimited came up with the amazing idea to start #UnlimitedThrifting. Their very own online thrift shop run exclusively by their service participants providing meaningful work for them and solving all of your thrifting needs.

Amount Received: $13,575.00

Nashwaak Villa                  

This project funded an activity coordinator, 15 hours a week, for 7 months. With so many limitations on regular programming due to the vulnerability fo their residents during COVID-19, Nashwaak Villa wants to ensure that the quality of life of their residents is not so drastically affected through the remainder or the pandemic or in the event of a second wave.


Amount Received: $5,355.00

Charlotte Street Arts Centre        

This grant will support a 7 week expressive arts project for youth who have experienced the death of a family member and have lacked access to support during the COVID period. Charlotte Street Arts Centre have partnered with NB COPES to ensure that youth who have experienced grief and loss during COVID-19 have the supports they need to work through the cycle of grief. The end results will be a mural made by the youth and guided by an expressive artist.

Amount Received: $9,000.00